Attention Stormwater Permit Holder TPDES TXR050000 in Texas!

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The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality requires you to renew your Multi Sector General Permit to be in compliance with your TPDES MSGP for Industrial Facilities, TXR050000.

All for Industrial facilities, with TXR050000 permit have to renew the permit on August  14th, 2021.

What is involved on renewing the permit?

·         Conduct a comprehensive site inspection to gather data

·         Update site specific SWPPP or appropriate review by a PE

·         File a Notice of Intent (NOI) to be covered under the general permit

RSB Engineers can help you stay in compliance and avoid your permit to get expired. We are certified Professional Engineers and have helped all type of industries facilities with the compliance requirements. Our knowledge and experience allows us to execute efficiently and cost-effectively.

RSB can help you with your permit renewal and SWPPP revision, starting as low as $2,500.


At RSB Environmental we recognize that many managers and staff do not have the man hours and/or experience to ensure that all required compliance tasks, are being done in the required timeframe(s). Because of this RSB Environmental has developed a monitoring program called STORM CHESS that includes the following and more:

  • Quarterly Visual Analysis
  • Monthly site walk
  • Numeric Effluent Limitation Monitoring & Reporting
  • Discharge Monitoring Reporting & Benchmark Monitoring
  • Annual Training & Annual Compliance Evaluation
  • RSB’s monthly STORM CHESS program has a fixed fee staring at $500 per month, per facility.

If you need assistance understanding the new requirements or need assistance with renewing your MSGP including updating your SWP3, please contact Nirav Patel or Paola Belloni or call as at 832-291-3473.
RSB has extensive experienced on stormwater regulations and can help you reach and stay in compliance.