Wetland Consultants for Delineation, Permitting, and Ecological Restoration

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    KEITH O.

    Sachin and his team at RSB Environmental are very helpful with our company’s environmental needs. Always courteous and informative in regards to our questions.

    LARRY R.​

    RSB Environmental is a great company, they are easy to work with and handle all our Environmental needs in a friendly professional way. I would recommend RSB Environmental for all your company’s environmental needs.


    According to U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE), Wetlands are defined as:

    “Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas.”

    Wetlands fall under federal jurisdiction as a result of the Clean Water Act and Food Security Act of 1985. Wetlands are delineated primarily so that property owners will know which parts of their land could fall under federal regulatory jurisdiction. The U.S. ACOE requires the presence of three conditions for an area to be considered a Wetland: wetland hydrology, wetlands vegetation and wetlands soil conditions.

    RSB wetland
    RSB wetland deliniation


    If anyone is interested in depositing dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including wetlands, Section 404 of the Clean Water Act mandates requirement of authorization for such activities. The U.S. ACOE administers the Section 404 permitting process.

    The final determination to classify an area as wetland and whether the activity requires a permit must be made by the appropriate U.S. ACOE District Office.

    RSB Environmental has a team of certified and trained professionals to conduct the field delineations of wetlands and prepare the appropriate documentation as required by the U.S. ACOE.


    The areas subject to jurisdiction are identified through an analysis of various maps, aerial photographs, soils information, and a ground reconnaissance. The wetland identification is performed based on the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (1987) and various regional supplements. A detailed delineation involves extensive technical data acquisition and survey of jurisdictional boundaries. The proposed (e.g. construction) project is then overlain on the delineation, and impacts to jurisdictional areas are assessed and quantified.


    If it is determined that jurisdictional areas will be affected, a permit must be obtained from the U.S. ACOE that includes: (a) General Permit (Nationwide or Regional) (b) Individual Permits.


    Typical Nationwide permits take 1 to 3 months to get approval. Individual Permits typically require 6 to 24 months to process depending on the complexity of the action and whether or not an Environmental Impact Statement is required by the U.S. ACOE.
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    RSB wetland deliniation


    The U.S. ACOE and the EPA mandated that there should be no net loss of wetlands nationwide.

    The Wetland Mitigation may include physical creation of wetlands from low value upland areas or may include enhancement or conservation of other existing wetlands.

    There are Mitigation Banks in place that provide a large-scale mitigation program that is much less expensive on a unit basis than are smaller, individual mitigation programs.

    The mitigation banks are physically in place and the value of the unit credits are established and accepted by the regulatory agencies, resulting in reduced permit negotiation time. Mitigation banking procedures are defined in the 2008 Compensatory Mitigation Rule (33 CFR 325 and 332).

    RSB Environmental can help you with following services related to wetlands:

    Streamlined Wetland Permit Assistance: RSB Environmental's Expertise in Navigating Regulatory Requirements

    RSB Environmental specializes in providing comprehensive wetland permit assistance, offering streamlined solutions to help clients navigate the complex regulatory landscape with ease. With extensive knowledge of wetland ecology and regulatory requirements, our team of experts collaborates closely with clients to assess project feasibility, conduct wetland delineation studies, and develop effective mitigation strategies. We work diligently to compile the necessary documentation, complete permit applications, and engage in constructive dialogue with regulatory agencies on behalf of our clients. RSB Environmental’s wetland permit assistance ensures a smooth and efficient permitting process, allowing clients to move forward with their projects while adhering to regulatory guidelines and promoting the sustainable management of wetland ecosystems.

    Restoring Nature's Balance: RSB Environmental's Expertise in Wetland Mitigation and Restoration

    RSB Environmental is a trusted provider of wetland mitigation and restoration services, dedicated to restoring and preserving the delicate balance of wetland ecosystems. Our team of experts collaborates closely with clients to assess the impacts of proposed projects on wetlands and develop tailored mitigation plans that meet regulatory requirements. Through our comprehensive approach, we implement effective wetland restoration, creation, enhancement, and preservation strategies, leveraging our deep understanding of wetland ecology and mitigation techniques. RSB Environmental strives to enhance the ecological health of wetlands, promote biodiversity, and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. With our expertise in wetland mitigation and restoration, clients can rely on us to guide them towards sustainable solutions that support the long-term health and vitality of wetland ecosystems.

    Why Choose RSB Environmental For Your Wetland Delineation and Permitting?

    RSB Environmental has successfully completed 2000+ Environmental Site Assessments and Wetland Delineation projects in Houston and nationwide for a variety of clients including landowners, developers, commercial real estate agents and lenders. Our staff has a combined 30 plus years of experience in all types of Environmental Inspections.

    Wetland Delineation and Mitigation is necessary to identify if any wetland hydrology, wetland vegetation or wetland soil conditions exist and what impact it will have on the project and property. Headquartered in Houston, Texas we also have field offices in cities across America.

    All Wetland Site Assessments are completed by experienced staff and licensed, professional engineers with a minimum of 10 years experience. Our prices are affordable and cost-effective because we are a mid-size employee owned company without the overhead and expenses of a large company.

    We have the available staff to complete multi-site portfolios in Texas or nationwide. We take pride in the fact that we provide quality Wetland Delineation work for less cost than our competitors.

    Contact us now for a free consultation and quote on your Wetland delineation and Mitigation projects!

    Our Service Areas

    RSB has conducted Wetland delineation and Mitigation projects nationwide. Locally RSB has completed numerous projects in Texas.

    Please feel free to call us at 1-833-910-2535 or

    request a quote online to get a site specific price for your property.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    A delineation is the first step in planning a development project, creating a new road, or draining an agricultural field when a wetland may be interrupted or impacted. Wetland delineations pinpoint the exact position of wetlands in your project plan. The U.S Army Corps. (USACE) and, in many cases, other local authorities with regulatory power must approve the established wetland boundary to get a permit for impacting a wetland.

    A wetland is an area that is wet for an extended amount of time throughout the year. Wetlands, on the other hand, are not always easy to locate and should be surveyed and delineated by a professional using recognized wetland delineation methods.

    A delineation is the first step in planning a development project, creating a new road, or draining an agricultural field when a wetland may be interrupted or impacted. Wetland delineations pinpoint the exact position of wetlands in your project plan. The U.S Army Corps. (USACE) and, in many cases, other local authorities with regulatory power must approve the established wetland boundary to get a permit for impacting a wetland.

    You may need a wetland permit if your proposed project involves activities that could impact wetlands, such as construction, land development, or alteration of watercourses.

    Wetland permitting services can assist you in navigating the complex regulatory requirements, preparing necessary documentation, and obtaining permits to ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

    Our Registrations and Certifications

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