The Annual Stormwater Training is required to be conducted once per reporting year. Get peace of mind knowing your facility complies with TXR050000 Stormwater Permit Requirements.
Annual Stormwater Training is a key element for a successful stomrwater compliance.
An employee training program has been established and implemented to educate employees about the requirements of the SWPPP. Good housekeeping, proper material handling and storage on employee daily operations are the best way to prevent pollution into the stormwater.
Why are we required to perform the Stormwater training?
Employee training is a required and essential part of an effective storm water pollution prevention program. This training program includes background on the components and goals of the SWPPP, spill prevention and response, good housekeeping, proper material handling, disposal and control of waste, container filling and transfer, and proper storage, washing, and inspection procedures.
Who is required to attend the training?
The Stormwater training is required for all employees in a facility who work in areas where industrial activities or material handling activities are exposed to stormwater, or who are responsible for implementing activities necessary to meet the conditions of this permit. This means that inspectors, maintenance personnel, and all members of your Pollution Prevention Team should be attending SWPPP training.
Don’t forget the Recordkeeping!
You should have a sign-in/sign-out sheet at each training class to document that employee have participated. Keep the sign-in/sign-out sheet with your SWPPP.