Industrial Facilities in Houston Texas and Nationwide LOOK TO EXPERTS FOR Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) COMPLIANCE
Businesses with facilities across Texas and nationwide preparing Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) are looking to expert assistance for DMR online filing. RSB Environmental remains well-positioned to assist industrial facilities in meeting this DMR requirement. A Business can use DMR online filings to comply with federal and state laws and regulations intended to maintain surface water quality.
Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) requirement history
RSB Environmental assists with DMR as part of its broad range of proactive stormwater management solutions. The reports are filed in compliance with regulations under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The NPDES was established in 1972 under the Clean Water Act (CWA). Many of the NPDES regulations were developed in the ’70s with later clarifications in the ensuing years. In 2000 the EPA actually revised regulations to reduce the cost and burden to both permit-issuing authorities and the permitted community. Other changes kept regulations current with advances in measuring and reporting technology.
Businesses work to navigate DMR requirements for Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas, Texas and nationwide
Despite attempts to simplify and clarify, a web of regulations exists around stormwater runoff and stormwater discharge, creating a burden for many businesses. For example, under Multi-Sector General Permit reporting, stormwater sampling must be completed at regular intervals. MSGP stormwater permittees must then submit the report using a DMR reporting tool such as NetDMR in Texas.
In compliance with the CWA the NPDES regulations allow most states to handle permitting, reporting, and compliance on behalf of the EPA. States each have unique systems for DMR compliance adding difficulty. A business with industrial facilities in both Texas and other nationwide locations must navigate the various state systems and then work through the complications that exist when local authorities have specific requirements. In such a situation the facilities in Houston, Austin, San Antonio, or Dallas would file the DMR with the TCEQ and also have to meet local requirements. Meanwhile, the business must understand specific submittal requirements for its other facilities nationwide. Many businesses rely on the services of experts in stormwater compliance freeing them to focus on their core business.
Sachin Butala the CEO at RSB Environmental recently commented on the cost reduction benefits of proactive compliance; “Cost reductions occur through proactive compliance with relevant health, safety and environmental regulations that can improve your lost incident rate, reduce accidents and let you plan for environmental issues.” Mr. Butala further discussed how a new concept in environmental health and safety consulting services provides solutions for reducing businesses administrative burden; “At RSB Environmental we recognize that many managers and staff do not have the man-hours and/or experience to ensure that all required compliance tasks, including stormwater, are being done in the required timeframe(s). While many facilities support Health, Safety, and Environmental Management Systems, and would like to implement them, fiscal and operational constraints frequently preclude developing and implementing a system. To assist you in taking that first step toward a system and obtaining that level of stormwater compliance comfort, RSB Environmental has developed a new concept in environmental health and safety consulting services.”
RSB Environmental is a Full-Service Environmental Engineering and Consulting Firm… Nationwide Offices, Local service!
RSB Environmental is based in Houston, Texas and specializes in turnkey environmental solutions and environmental compliance. Contact RSB Environmental for all of your environmental needs.
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